IQUT - Intelligent Rotary Cutting Solution

IQUT System (cropped & reduced).jpg

Type: IQUT

Dimensions: as per drawing/requested

Description: Embracing the trend of Industry 4.0, we have developed an intelligent rotary cutting solution able to measure and monitor the parameters that have an influence on the cutting performance. 

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Hyperion’s patented IQUT technology rotary cutter extension includes embedded and external sensors to monitor the cutting conditions and give the customer the ability to perform preventive maintenance, thus optimizing the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and generating continuous savings. IQUT integrates with manufacturing IT systems to enable easy monitoring of cutting conditions from computers and other devices.


Main Features Benefits
  • Automatic pressure and cutting performance records for each tool
  • Detailed cutting parameters monitoring for cutter and anvil
  • Thresholds settings and automatic alarms
  • Standalone usage or communication with machine PLC through main protocols
  • Integrated touchscreen (option)
  • Longer production runs through pro-active interventions
  • Reduced machine stops through preventive maintenance
  • Efficiency improvement through continuous learning
  • Statistical analysis through accurate data recording

You may download an IQUT Extension leaflet with additional information by visiting the PDF & Video Downloads section of the rotary cutters home page.


Your Hyperion salesperson can help you select the rotary cutter solution best suited to solve your needs.